Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Beginning (for Mindy)

It all started with a pair of green pants that I ordered online without trying on in my normal size and could not fit over my fat ass... but let's go back in time to early 2011...

(cue Wayne's World wavy back in time hands)

In early 2011 I found myself working at a job I did not like because that was the path I was supposed to take and living in a city that was ok but I really missed Northern California and wanted so badly to move back.  I realized at that time that I need to focus on myself and create a new goal of living my best life possible.  Even though my company provided me with an amazing opportunity, I chose my own happiness and resigned, packed up my stuff and moved back up north.  Luckily I have a wonderful understanding man in my life who did both moves with me.

Six months later I took a paycut and changed companies and am so happy in my career.

My next goal to live my best life is to focus on my nutrition and fitness, and to find an outlet for self expression so this is where this blog comes in.  This may be my only post... I tend to quit things easily... or one of hundreds... I also tend to become overly obsessed with ideas in my head too and go overboard.

I have always had a love of nutrition, learning about it, eating as healthy as possible, and probably annoying other people by preaching about it.  My problem is I eat to much of the healthy food and enjoy the vino a bit too much as well and lately my waist line and fat ass have been yelling at me, although usually after a few glasses of wine they just kindly hush and accept the chocolate.

So at my wonderful sister Jennie's urging I stupidly signed up to do a Tough Mudder Race in September 2012... I signed up in January 2012 to motivate myself to finally be consistent and get in the great shape I have always wanted to.... 

Well it is now May and I still have a lot of work to do and with the motivation of my green jeans I really want to wear and the upcoming race, I am hoping that by writing about it I actually follow through and continue to strive to live my best life.

So Jennie and I both started fitness blogs in order to capture our journey and hold ourselves accountable and then it dawned on us... why not work on this project together... and Two Sisters Getting Fit Was Born!

The pants that started a blog....

And the wine that grew the waist line...


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