Monday, August 6, 2012

54 Days (Jennie)

Do you remember those old 80s milk commercials... the "Milk. It does a body good." ads with the small girls and boys talking to someone who is doubting their worth. They see themselves in a few years looking great, all from drinking their milk. I'm kind of feeling like that today, only replace "milk" with "workout". I was on the shy side growing up. I wasn't the cutest, funniest, or most athletic, which didn't help either. I struggle in many ways today with those same insecurities from childhood; I still clam up in social situations when I don't know people and I really hate confrontation. But here comes the "I'm drinking milk" part... working out is giving me a new confidence that I didn't have before. It's helping me to realize that I hate being ignored and underestimated most of all, which makes the discomfort of not knowing people in social situations and fear of confrontation seem not so bad. I work hard, but it isn't always enough to get me noticed and respected- it really is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease after all. So this girl is going to keep moving forward, keep busting out these workouts, keep learning and working. I have a race to prep for, a body to take care of, and most important of all, two precious little girls to inspire toward a lifelong love of fitness. I've got my eye on the prize!

Today's food:
Breakfast: Protein shake (vanilla protein powder, blueberries, spinach and unsweetened almond milk)
AM Snack: Homemade banana bread (couldn't resist- dang it- looove my banana bread!) and coffee
Lunch: Salad with grilled chicken
PM Snack: Almonds
Dinner: Carne asada with avocado, grilled corn, fresh tomatoes, green chiles and 2 small corn tortillas

Total calories: 1880
Total workout: 2400
Workout for the day: P90X Legs and Back, 2 mile walk at lunch

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