Saturday, June 9, 2012

Counting Calories (Mindy)

I have a love hate relationship with counting calories, I love it because when I'm actually good about it, it keeps me on track and I steadily lose weight; however, for some reason I just hate doing it... probably because then I have to actually be accountable for what I'm eating and I do not get to eat as much peanut butter *boo*

My favorite calorie counter, and I've tried a million, is My Fitness Pal which is free *yah* and it's both an iPhone and Android application.

I have been very good about it this week and have actually dropped a few pounds!!

Here is what the app looks like:

Here is my diary from yesterday showing my lunch:

It does not keep track of all vitamins that you should be getting and I personally don't agree with some of the targeted levels of things like fiber (should be higher), sodium (should be lower), sugars (I think it's ok to have a little more), but it's still a great tool.

And there are a handful of tools that allow you to track your progress over time which are great.

In the past I have been great for a few weeks, but then I just get tired of doing it and stop... so this time to reach my goal I am determined to stay with it!!

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