Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Pep Talk to Myself (Mindy)

It has been well over a week since I have posted anything and it is mostly due to incredible frustration I have been feeling lately... I have been working out 5 days a week the past 3 weeks, and except for the weekends when I was not tracking, my calorie intake has been well under my calorie burn according to my Fit Bit... what is going on?!?

I think it has a lot to due with the fact that I only have about 15 pounds that I need to lose so it will be a slow process and due to the sad sad realization that I need to give up my nightly 1-2 glasses of wine if I ever want to lose this weight!

I have been reading a really great new book by Jackie Warner and watched a few recent documentaries about the effect that sugar consumption causes on our waistlines (including sugar alcohol)... and it has made me remember how losing weight is so much more of a process then calories in vs. calories out.  The biochemistry of the specific food items that we eat have a very large effect on our enzyme levels, ability and speed to metabolize our foods etc.  I will blog more about the specifics of the book later as I will be implementing her food recommendations over the next few months to see whether this is something my body embraces.

So back I jump on the bandwagon... not that I really fell off eating/workout wise... I just need to make some tweaks regarding what I am putting in my body and track everything including on the weekends when I am allowing myself my treat meals!  My diet may be boring for the next 96 days but at least it should get me to where I want to be!

I spent the day today with my sister and we spent a lot of time talking about what we are eating our workouts etc., and she has burned the fire in my belly again... partly because I'm jealous as she looks so amazing... she has truly worked her ass off and I am so proud of her!!

And now I am off to drink my last little bit of wine left from last night and bid her ado until next weekend!

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