Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Happy Day(Mindy)

So as Jennie said we spent the day together yesterday up at my Dad's house and we meant to take a cute picture together to post on here for our profile... I swear there are two of this writing I don't just have multiple personality disorder... anyhoo....

So today was a very happy day for me... about 3 years ago I really got into running but stopped during my training because I began suffering with horrible arch pain when I hit about mile 2 or 3.... I didn't go to the doctors or anything smart like that I just stopped running.  When I did things like pushing back from a lunge, jump rope, jumping or any similar activity I would still get a twinge of arch pain.  Fast forward 3 years and we signed up for the Tough Mudder.  I decided to start running again in preparation for the Mudder and this time it only took me to about the mile point before the old familiar awful pain came back... This time I was smart and made a call to a foot specialist and saw the doctor today.... diagnosis is likely severe plantar fasciitis towards the ball of my foot and I probably just need some sessions of deep ie. painful sports massage, possibly orthotics,  as well as some at home remedies and after a few months I should hopefully be on the road to recovery YAH!  I was so scared I had torn something.  So my doctor wrapped up my foot really tight in a way that really pulled my arch upward and he told me to keep it wrapped up today, go home after work and go running and when I get back from my run call him and leave him a message to tell him how it went.

So run I did and let me tell you it was amazing... a little bit of pain but nothing too bad... I pushed what was going to be a quick 20 minute run into 30 minutes because I could and my foot was not screaming at me like usual.  Now I just need to find waterproof tape to wrap my foot that can withstand the Mudder Mud!!

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