Sunday, June 10, 2012

Grillin' Girl! (Jennie)

What says summer more than the amazing smell of bbq in the air? I looooove grilling, I really believe almost any item can be made better with those beautiful char marks.

The star of this evening's meal was tri-tip. I cheated a little and bought a pre-marinated one since we were grocery shopping at 4pm and I wouldn't have had time to marinate my own. It was a burgundy pepper marinade, really tasty! That went on the grill first, along with some fresh white corn. I normally peel the corn, wash, then wrap in foil, but decided to try grilling in the husks this time around. I peeled the husks down on the corn, removed the silk, then soaked in cold salted water for a bit. Before placing them on the grill, pull the husks back up to cover the corn. Grill, turning about every 5 minutes, the overall cook time is about 20 minutes.

I also grilled up a sweet potato, inspiration is Bobby Flay's recipe here. Sadly, I forgot to pick up cilantro, so they weren't quite as pretty, but still good. :)  I also only grill one large sweet potato, not the 3 called for in the recipe, so I cut the other ingredients in half generally. Parboil the sweet potato, cut into wedges length-wise (6 or 8, depending on the size of the sweet potato). Brush each side with oil, grill about 2 minutes on each (including skin side). Sprinkle with salt mix (1/2 T salt, dash cayenne, 1/2 t lime zest) and pepper to taste. Add chopped cilantro (if you don't forget it at the store!). The potatoes cook quickly, so they can parboil while the tri-tip and corn cook and grill while the tri-tip is resting.

To round off the meal, I chopped up some watermelon and added a handful of fresh blueberries, which were also at a great price for the season.

I overcooked the tri-tip a bit (note to self, check thermometer!), but it was still good. I really recommend grilling corn in the husk, it gave it a nice slight smoky flavor and the husk kept the corn from drying out. Happy me, happy hubby and happy kids even, a miracle in itself!

Happy grilling!

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