Saturday, July 28, 2012

63 Days (Jennie)

Soooo.... let's just say that today won't be one for the record books. It started out promising, got the workout in and a lot of stuff accomplished before heading out to visit friends for a birthday party. I kept breakfast and lunch light, knowing that I might be indulging a bit on party food. In retrospect, I really should have actually eaten more, so that I wasn't starving by the time I showed up to the party. Big mistake when there's a bowl of tasty pita chips in front of me. :(

Food for the day
Breakfast: coffee and quick fruit shake with peaches, blueberries and wheatgrass, courtesy of the hubby. I was hoping to have something more substantial, but ran out of time before rushing out for a haircut appointment.
Lunch: canned Starbucks mocha frapp and a granola bar- now home from hair appointment, pack up family and head out to the party- I should have planned today out much better.
Afternoon snack/dinner: here's where things went horribly downhill. Lots of pita chips. I didn't keep track like I should have. Hot dog for dinner- no other choice unfortunately. No bun though. I did hit the veggies and fruit as much as possible and had some of my (healthy-ish) potato salad I brought. Kept the drinking to 1 wine cooler and skipped the cake.

So I guess it could have been much worse, but I'm upset with myself about not doing a better job at avoiding the pita chips and other junk. Lesson learned- do not go to a party hungry, the extra 5 minutes to make and drink a protein shake would have been time well spent!

Total calories in: honestly, I sadly have no clue, so my best guess would be in the 2500ish range. I made some okay choices (no cake), but still too many of those darned delicious pita chips.
Calories burned: 2300
Workout: P90X Legs and Back

Tomorrow- back to normal!!!

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