Wednesday, July 25, 2012

66 Days (Jennie)

66 days and counting! This morning was day 2 of P90X, Plyo. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about going back to Tony Horton's plyo workout after finishing a few rounds of Insanity and Asylum. It's definitely tough, but a different pace. I do adore Tony Horton, but sometimes find the slower pace (and resulting 60 minute video) to be mildly frustrating. This morning went well though and I burned a lot of calories, added bonus! I was able to get in a short walk at lunch as well, we have a brand new farmer's market near my office. Great deals on all sorts of wonderful organic local produce. I bough peaches, nectarines, corn and tons of spinach (in case you didn't notice how quickly I go through it). Two big bunches for $3, hooray!

Food for the day
Breakfast: smoothie with spinach, blueberries, almond milk, vanilla protein powder and a banana. I normally don't do the banana and should have kept it that way. It made it way too sweet for me. Lesson learned!
Morning snack: turkey bacon and coffee
Lunch: salad with grilled chicken and ranch dressing
Afternoon snack: granola bar and a small handful of almonds
Dinner: scrambled eggs with spinach and blue cheese. Hubby went to catch the new Batman movie with a friend after work. I met up with him to pick up the kiddos and they went to grab a quick bite before the movie. He grabbed Taco Bell, the kiddos wanted McD's as a special treat. I wasn't wanting any of that, so scrambled up the eggs instead once we got home. I struggle sometimes to cook for myself on the fly, but I could have done much worse.
Dessert: Greek yogurt with peaches (I earned my extra calories today!)

Total calories in: 1935
Calories burned: 2450
Workout: P90X Plyo

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