Monday, July 2, 2012

89 Days (Jennie)

How on earth did my day countdown already get into the 80s? It seems like just the other day it was still safely in the 3 digit mark! Time flies when you're having fun, and if 5am burpees aren't fun, then I don't know what is!

I took the day off today and took my kiddos out to see a local museum. We had a blast, sadly, not quite as much walking as I was hoping for, so I made sure to get a workout in tonight.

Homemade banana bread muffin (yes, same muffins I made 5 years ago, horribly stale, not sure why I ate it!), 3 slices turkey bacon, a peach and coffee

AM Snack
No snack- like most museums, the cafeteria food was overpriced and my inner miser took over (especially after paying for admission, 2 bridge tolls, parking, gas...)

Late lunch when we got home around 2, so I was HUNGRY. I pat myself on the back for not giving in to stopping on the hour drive home for fast food, but my hunger got the best of me so I looked for a quick fix. Made soup and grabbed a few saltines to snack on while waiting for it to cook. I'm embarrassed to admit I even ate some tortilla chips out of the cupboard (I was that hungry). I really need to get rid of those...

Dinner was good, primal-friendly chicken! Free-range organic chicken breast, pound thin, then dredge in a mix of coconut flour, garlic powder, salt and pepper and cooked in coconut oil. I served with roasted veggies (asparagus, carrots and Brussels sprouts) along with some quinoa.

I may still sneak a little fruit before bed, I just finished my workout and am craving a little something. Sadly, between the banana bread and lunch, I don't have a whole lot of calories to spare today.

Calories In: 2140
Workout: Insanity Core Cardio and Balance, P90X Ab Ripper X
Calories Burned: 2500

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