Tuesday, July 24, 2012

67 Days (Jennie)

Just 67 days til the All Mighty Mudder! I started back today with day 1 of P90X. My intent is to slow down on the super intense cardio for a bit and focus on lifting heavier weights to build upper body strength. I also hope to shake these last few pounds by keeping my target heart rate a little lower. I am following Tony Horton's advice and keeping track of number of reps and total pounds, but on a spreadsheet instead of a notebook. Because that's how us nerdy analyst chicks roll!

Food for the day
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs (3) with spinach and a little blue cheese. Yes, it sounds like a weird combo, but it works. At least if you like blue cheese! I also had some unsweetened grapefruit and coffee.
Lunch: Leftover cheese pizza from the one I made on Saturday. It didn't reheat well- I should have just fed it to the dogs.
Afternoon snack: Red grapes- I love those tasty little guys. They really satiate my sweet tooth without the guilt.
Dinner: Zucchini "spaghetti" and chicken meatballs
Dessert: small fruit smoothie with strawberries, banana, carrots and peaches


Hubby and the kiddos have been craving pasta for quite some time, which I've been trying to avoid. It's not that I'm following a primal eating plan 100%, but I have found things that I can cut out fairly easily. I do like pasta, but I'm not really missing it either. Amazing fresh pasta aside, I am typically boiling it from a box that's been up in my cupboard for a month or more, so it's not exactly a super flavorful thing on its own. I boiled whole wheat pasta for hubby and the kiddos and sliced 3 small zucchini very thin length-wise and boiled for a few minutes for myself. This was topped with sauce and chicken meatballs. I do make meatballs from scratch sometimes, these happened to be a find at the grocery store that were sampled out and everyone liked. They were pre-cooked and only needed to be reheated, which I did in the pasta sauce. I love to cook, but really appreciate shortcuts during the busy workweek. It turned out well and honestly, I didn't miss the pasta or the calories!

Total calories in: 1750
Calories burned: 2250
Workout: P90X Chest and Back

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